Bachelor in Aquaculture

University of Tripoli - Department of Aquaculture



Founded in 1995, the department of aquaculture main objective is to provide training and research in aquaculture related subjects. Tackling food security, overexploiting fish stocks, marine biodiversity, pollution and endangered marine species.

The institute of aquaculture works in close collaboration with both governmental and non-governmental bodies.  Providing consultancies and training. Developing partnerships with universities, research enters and organizations.


By passing all courses, the graduate will be able to:

1. The use of agricultural sciences and their applications in the field of aquaculture (aquaculture).

2. Applying various administrative and technical processes in designing aquaculture projects aimed at serving the community and meeting the needs of the labor market.


Knowledge & understanding:

1.      Learn the basics and principles of aquaculture science and its relationship to other sciences.

2.      Explains fish genetics and its use in producing improved aquatic organisms, and methods used for fish handling.

3.      Explains the importance of fish feed (both live and processed) used in aquaculture.

4.      Understands the pathogenic and non-pathogenic disease affecting fish.

5.      Creates and designs different types of fish farms.


Mental skills:

1.      Analyzes scientific terminology in the field of aquaculture.

2.      Links between genetics and the production of genetically improved fish strains

3.      Compares between the types of plankton, and raw materials used in developing fish feed.

4.      Links between fish diseases and the environment

5.      Discusses theoretical and practical sides of aquaculture projects without harming the environment


Practical & professional skills:

1.      Employs laboratory and portable equipment (field) for water analysis used to measure, pH, salinity, temperature, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites...etc.

2.      Develops a scheme to improve fish strains, and ways to handle and transport fish post-harvest.

3.      Uses scientific basics for the production and development of fish feed.

4.      Develops ways for the protection of fish from disease outbreaks.

5.      Designs main types of fish farm systems.

Generic and transferable skills:

1.      Communication skills

2.      Manages the laboratory and uses modern equipment and technologies.

3.      Works within a team effectively highlighting his abilities in his field.

4.      Writes scientific reports and articles, and makes oral presentations

5.      Displays and discusses the results of his studies e.g., in scientific symposiums


Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, majoring in Aquaculture

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Bachelor `s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The academic grade of the student in the previous educational stage of the program must be at least good.

2. The student should undergo an admission test and a personal interview (if the institution deems it).

3. General Scientific Certificate of Secondary Education or Certificate of agricultural high schools and institutes.

4. Fluency in Arabic for non-native speakers.

5. In the case of any change in the admission requirements, the new requirements will apply to new applicants only.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Aquaculture prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Aquaculture. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 141 units, which include 45 units of general subjects, and 64 major units, 18 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH 1123 03 General +

BO 1014 04 General +

MA 1113 03 General +

AE 1004 04 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
1021 CH 01 General +

1012 EL 02 General +

1012 AR 02 General +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AQ1103 Fish physiology 03 Compulsory +

Fish physiology is the scientific study of how the component parts of fish function together in the living body, how the different organs and cells carry out the chemical and physical processes in the body of fish, compare between bony fishes and cartilaginous fishes in terms of external appearance, respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system, urogenital system, methods of reproduction, osmoregulation, skeletal system; and finally the effect of environmental changes on the growth, reproduction and behavior of fishes

AQ1254 Production and cultivation of live food 04 Compulsory +

The recognition of the different sources of plant(microalgae) and animal live food used during the first feeding (External origin)which meet the nutritional requirements of the early stages of fish,crustaceans,bivalve mollusca(early and late stages)and the approved standards used in there selection from the point of view of culturest and cultured organisms;different methods and means used in there culturing and sustaining with observing the requirements for there cultivation;in addition to the different used methods to harvest yielded crop

AQ1234 Marine biology 04 Compulsory +

Explains the effect of natural factors on the distribution and spread of living organisms in marine environments and explains the differences between terrestrial and marine organisms and the components of sea water, and the adaptation of different marine organisms with the general characteristics of the marine environment. Defining the concept of organic productivity in the seas and the factors determining it.

AQ1194 Crustacean Biology 04 Compulsory +

The course explains in general terms the differences between vertebrate and invertebrate animals, examples of some invertebrate phyla, and the distribution and spread of some crustaceans in the Mediterranean and Libyan territorial waters. Also studying the scientific division of the shrimp animal and the external and internal structure of the animal’s crustacean body. He also explained the internal structure of the animal's cortical body, such as the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, excretion, and nutrition. The different methods of producing larvae from broodstock in ponds and the precautions to be taken when collecting and transporting shrimp larvae for rearing, and methods of collecting and handling shrimp for marketing, are introduced.

AQ1184 Fish diseases and parasites 04 Compulsory +

The course is considered one of the advanced specialized courses in the department. The course includes, in general, the definition of the fish farming environment, the general division of fish diseases, and the way how they are transmitted, the general signs of fish disease, as well as methods of prevention and treatment. The course is divided into two main parts: Infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases, and methods of detection, treatment and prevention. Infectious diseases of fish include parasitic diseases, fungal diseases, bacterial diseases and viral diseases. As for non-infectious diseases, they include diseases resulting from nutritional deficiencies, diseases resulting from environmental change and poisoning, as well as genetic diseases.

AQ1173 Aquatic Microbiology 03 Compulsory +

This course is a survey of the diversity, ecology and physiology of microbes in aquatic system, this course will provide student with background knowledge and quantitative and analytical skills about : Aquatic ecosystems, properties of water and its suitability for biology, factors effect on the growth and activity of aquatic microorganism, organic production in environmental systems and the role of microorganism in it,

AQ1154 Fish Nutrition 04 Compulsory +

The course explains in general the concept of feeding fish compared to other farmed animals, in addition to the needs of fish in terms of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals, their sources, deficiency symptoms and treatment. The digestion, metabolism and absorption of various nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and protein are also explained. Also, the formulation and manufacture of fish feed from plant and animal primary raw materials, the chemical and biological evaluation of fish feed, the determination of the digestion coefficient, the calculation of feed conversion and the methods of protein evaluation. Finally, the practical methods of feeding fish and their disadvantages and advantages are explained.

AQ1143 Aquaculture Engineering 03 Compulsory +

Comparing between aquaculture systems most suitable for a specific fish farm, depending on the theoretical and practical stages to study the sites designated for the farm; employing engineering units that are suitable for the farming system. Determining the negative impact of fish farms on the environment and strategies to avoid it. In addition to developing feasibility studies for the establishment of aquaculture projects.

AQ1133 Ornamental Fish 03 Compulsory +

Interested in designing ornamental fish tanks and the role of all typical components in it to provide a natural environment for fish, Determining the types of aquatic plants, knowing the types of ornamental fish and the appropriate environment for their breeding and hatching, and distinguishing the peaceful and aggressive species, and learn about the method of feeding them, as well as knowing the most important diseases that can be exposed to ornamental fish and how to treat them.

AQ1124 Fish breeding 04 Compulsory +

Explains the relation between the external morphological and genetic structure, distinguishing between descriptive and quantitative adjectives. Method used for the enhancement of favorable genetic traits in cultured fish. Including hormonal induced breeding, and genetically enhanced.

AQ1093 Fisheries 03 Compulsory +

Geographical distribution and economic importance of most important marine fisheries in the seas and oceans, the foundations of legislation for fisheries laws, the international law of marine fishing, the local law for the exploitation and protection of marine wealth on the Libyan coasts, legislation related to aquaculture, traditional and modern fishing methods and tools, the development of fishing methods, the impact of pollution on marine fish stocks.

AQ1084 Fish Biology 04 Compulsory +

Studying the external shape of fish and its importance in making it compatible with the environment, differentiating between bony and cartilaginous fish, the principles followed in classifying fish, studying food and feeding habits and estimating the nutritional factor, studying reproduction and the age stages that fish go through from the stage of fertilization to the stage of maturity, gaining the life of fish and Influencing factors in fish growth.

AQ1033 Plankton 03 Compulsory +

The objective of the course is to give students an idea of the role of phytoplankton and zooplankton as primary and secondary producers in the marine environment and their central and indispensable role as the main source of live food for fish larvae, bivalve molluscs, shrimp and fish. An introduction is also given to phytoplankton and zooplankton, their divisions, species, methods of reproduction, growth and interaction with the surrounding environment

AQ1024 Aquatic ecology and polution 04 Compulsory +

Although the present course has been a concise presentation of information and ideas over the general field of marine ecology and pollution it does not neglect the fact that it was intended to be an aid for students at the start of any special course on marine biology related to aquaculture. Introductory chapter to the scope of ecology, its divisions and its relation to other sciences. Knowing the trophic structure and ecological pyramids implemented to aquatic and marine environment, living elements and the structure of marine ecosystem, marine pollution, the different pollutants and there effect on the different zones of marine environment and study the effect of pollutants including oil on marine organisms, human health and marine environments.

AQ1003 Introduction to Aquaculture 03 Compulsory +

The course defines the concept of aquaculture and shows the nutritive value of aquatic organisms and their contribution to meet the food needs of the population. Distinguish between the types of systems used in aquaculture, determine the importance and impact of environmental and spatial factors necessary to achieve successful aquaculture. Define the different types of ponds , the steps involved in establishing a fish farm, equipping fish nursery ponds and fingerling rearing after the end of the first breeding season. It defines also some of cultured fishes in the world such as tilapia, carp and salmon. Methods used in fish farming; and finally the study of artificial propagation of fishes.

AQ 1164 Fish handling and preservation 04 Compulsory +

The course explains in general the internal structure of the body of fish and marine life from a chemical and biological point of view, and explains the process of rigor mortis and the changes that occur to the body of a fish after its death and the factors affecting it. Freshness indicators of fish and other aquatic organisms are also studied to ensure their quality. Different methods of preserving fish and fish products are also taught, such as refrigeration, freezing, smoking and salting, as well as canning fish and the factors affecting fish spoilage.

AQ1294 Fish farm management 04 Compulsory +

The course defines the concept of aquaculture and the use of good principles for managing fish farms to reach high production levels. It also explains the different environmental conditions and their impact on the management of aquatic farms, and defines the chemical and physical characteristics of the aquatic medium in which aquatic organisms live. Also, the food chain and its impact on the productive capacity of the ponds are clarified, and the methods of fertilizing the earthen ponds are used to raise the productivity of the ponds.